Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A meta-reflection

Most of the blogs I read are somewhat widely read. The blogger writes for an audience: an audience that is mostly unknown, perhaps loosely known through some comments/social systems, and maybe a few well-known readers. The style of writing is thus quite different for writing for oneself, or a small, well-known audience - among other things, context is a major thing. How much background info does one need to detail? Such reflection is certainly useful for later reading by oneself, and may at some later point attract readers, so in one sense, one should probably write as though one has an unknown audience. Even if that unknown audience is one's future self. Still, it feels awkward to be writing to many, when one knows that in fact very few (if any) people are actually reading it now.

I usually start a reflection spree with some meta-reflection such as this; some actual content will be forthcoming.

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